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Karwa Chauth Sargi (2019 Vs 2020)

Karwa chauth sargi, karwa chauth sargi food items list, karwa chauth sargi 2020, karwa chauth 2020, karwa chauth 2019 vs 2020
Estimated read time: 1 min

Karva Chauth Sargi is a bond of love between Saas and Bahu. In this video you will see how woman used to celebrate Karva Chauth in 2019 and how it has changed after pandemic. 

Karwa chauth sargi

Karwa Chauth sargi food items

In the below video we have shown to aspects of Karva Chauth Sargi. In the first part of video you will see how both Saas and a Bahu enjoyed the sargi in 2019 where saas gave some food items to Bahu to complete his fast. 

But now after the pandemic or say Coronavirus Attack, the situation has changed. Now people are more concerned about the Health and in this video you will see how the Karva Chauth Sargi food items has been replaced by the Ayurvedic immunity boosters like Neem, Tulsi and other Ayurvedic items. 

This video perfectly shows the basic difference of celebration and enjoyment in 2019 versus 2020. If you like this video please like, share and subscribe.

About the Author

Blogger, Teacher, Mother and I love to share the tips, quotes whatever interesting I come Through.

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