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Teliya Talab Today At 11 AM, Dense Fog, Birds And Peaceful

Cold wind with dense fog, beautiful birds, feeding the fishes and a scenic view, well guys, I'm not talking about any tourist place or famous place but I am talking about Teliya Talab in Mandsaur.
Estimated read time: 2 min

Cold wind with dense fog, beautiful birds, feeding the fishes and a scenic view, well guys, I'm not talking about any tourist place or famous place but I am talking about Teliya Talab in Mandsaur. You will be mesmerized by the photos that I have taken today.
Teliya Talab Today At 11 AM, Dense Fog, Birds And Peaceful
Teliya Talab Today At 11 AM, Dense Fog, Birds And Peaceful

You won't believe that it is our own Teliya Talab. As you all know Mandsaur is famous for the lord Pashupatinath and it has a very interesting story but Teliya Talab also stands among that category, now the Mandsaur Nagar Palika have done tremendous work to make Teliya Talab a beautiful picnic spot and gradually it is becoming Too.

Teliya Talab
Teliya Talab 
People were very scared of visiting Teliya talab before because it wasn't that clean at that time and people were also afraid of any unfortunate incident.
Teliya Talab Mandsaur
Teliya Talab Mandsaur
But due to the continuous work of Mandsaur Nagar Palika, now the people of Mandsaur have started visiting Teliya Talab at regular time.

Now days the temperature in Mandsaur is around 6 to 7 degrees and people are afraid to get out of their home, but to enjoy and just to feel it, we decided to go to Teliya Talab.

We went to Teliya Talab at around 11:00 a.m. and what we saw over there is really wonderful. when we reached to Teliya Talab, there was no one and we were alone there so we got a chance to take photograph of anything with freedom because normally Teliya Talab is filled with people and there is too much crowd so you become little cautious and hesitate in taking pictures but today was the different day.

Teliya Talab Mandsaur
Teliya Talab Mandsaur
Cold wind was flowing with the dense fog, Birds were searching for their food and enjoying in water along with we also gave some aata (white flour) to fish so the entire atmosphere was so beautiful over there.

We got a chance to see some rare birds, I am saying these because these birds are not seen now a days and I am afraid that sooner or later they would become extinct.

Teliya Talab Mandsaur
Teliya Talab Mandsaur
I am talking about the crows, how many of you regularly see crow around you. The answer would be NO.

The crows are not the rare and extinct, I am only talking about the Mandsaur but in villages you can see many of them.

Anyways we got a chance to see various different types of birds who were searching food around the water.
Teliya Talab Mandsaur
Teliya Talab Mandsaur
Teliya Talab was very different today from regular days. It was empty, peaceful and beautiful and this really made our day. I would say Teliya talab was very wonderful today.

How many of you have visited Teliya Talab? If not than please go and check out.

About the Author

Blogger, Teacher, Mother and I love to share the tips, quotes whatever interesting I come Through.


  1. second ago
    Amazing Content!
    1. second ago
      thank you very much
  2. second ago
    Every body who loves natural beauty he or she will say nature is the best friend of humain
  3. second ago
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