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How to Reduce Anxiety in the Quarantine of the Elderly

How to reduce anxiety in the quarantine of the elderly. As the days go by, anxiety can increase and be a real disorder. Here's how to ease the symptoms!
Estimated read time: 3 min

How to reduce anxiety in the quarantine of the elderly. As the days go by, anxiety can increase and be a real disorder. Here's how to ease the symptoms!

How to Reduce Anxiety in the Quarantine of the Elderly
How to Reduce Anxiety in the Quarantine of the Elderly

There is a difference between stress and anxiety, although words are used in a similar way. Stress has a clearly identifiable cause, while anxiety is more about worrying about something that may happen in the future. Anxiety can evolve into a disorder, while stress will never become a mental disorder. You may need therapy to learn how to reduce anxiety or medication to help you overcome it, while stress is temporary.

A University of California survey found that while older people tend to be less anxious than young people, up to 25% of them suffer from some symptoms. In old age, anxiety is almost twice as frequent as depression . It’s perfectly normal to feel anxious about what the future holds, but, as a review by Australian researchers shows, prolonged worry can decrease quality of life, as well as increase the risk of other mental and physical problems, such as hypertension , depression and cognitive decline .

Being anxious doesn't change anything, so do your best to break the cycle. Here are some strategies to calm anxiety during quarantine and help you maintain balance:

Make a list

If your brain is crammed with anxious thoughts, make a list of tasks, do one thing at a time and cross it out as you go. This will help to reduce anxiety and keep you motivated.

Let it out

Sharing feelings with family and friends can help put things in perspective. Support groups on social media provide an opportunity for you to discuss your problems with others and develop coping strategies together.

Move yourself

It's hard to worry when you're focused on physical activity, which also releases soothing endorphins. A study at the University of São Paulo with people aged 60 to 74 found that following an aerobic exercise program for six months significantly lowered anxiety and stress. Enjoy and do these exercises at home!

Know how to accept

Try to deflect anxiety from what you can't change and focus on the things you can do something about.

Learn to relax

Relaxation techniques can help with anxiety: try mindfulness meditation , low-impact yoga or tai chi chuan . And all these activities you can do at home!

Let the music play

Listening to music can help to calm you down . A 2009 study review found that listening to music can lower blood pressure, heart rate and anxiety in patients undergoing treatment for coronary artery disease.

When to seek help for anxiety?

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is the most common type to affect elderly people. Symptoms include:

  1. Constant worry or nervousness.
  2. Muscle tension or fatigue.
  3. Irritability or difficulty concentrating.
  4. Physical symptoms (sweating, racing heart, tremors, dizziness and feeling faint).

If you are anxious, seek help as soon as possible. If left untreated, it can aggravate other problems such as migraine , arthritis and gastrointestinal disorders . The doctor is used to treating patients with similar problems and can advise you on treatment, which, depending on the symptoms, may include medication and / or psychotherapy.

FIND OUT! Don't be afraid to ask about your problems, suggested treatments, side effects, or any alternative possibilities, and how long it should take before you start to get better.

About the Author

Blogger, Teacher, Mother and I love to share the tips, quotes whatever interesting I come Through.

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