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How To Take Care Of Baby After Vaccination

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Care of baby after vaccination, after vaccination care for baby, baby care after vaccination, how to care baby after vaccination, taking care of baby after vaccination, how to take care baby after vaccination, how to take care of baby after first vaccination.
How To Take Care Of Baby After Vaccination
How To Take Care Of Baby After Vaccination

Tips to treat minor discomforts that vaccines can cause in your toddler.

The side effects of vaccines are few , temporary and of minimal importance when compared to the diseases they prevent.

The discomfort of the toddler is because the vaccine acts as a mild disease, which creates antibodies to fight viruses or bacteria, and prevents future infections.

Symptoms after baby's first vaccinations

Generally, the symptoms that occur are: pain, fever, swelling, a slight redness where the puncture was and irritability. These side effects should not last more than two days; If so, consult your pediatrician as soon as possible.

Scientists have been able to verify that babies who are fed exclusively with breast milk have less fever and have fewer symptoms after vaccination than those who receive mixed or artificial breastfeeding. This is not only due to the nutritional characteristics of breast milk, but also to the protective effect, tranquility and well-being of breastfeeding.

Very young infants should not receive any medication , but, in the case of older infants or children, consult a doctor to find out which medication and what dose are indicated.

- Fever. Depending on the vaccine, fever may appear on the same day of inoculation or one week later. It does not usually exceed 38.5º C and usually does not last more than 24 hours.

- Swelling, pain or redness in the puncture area. This discomfort usually does not last more than one day.

- Pain at the time of the puncture. The prick hurts and scares babies because they do not expect it and do not understand what happens, but this pain lasts a few minutes.

- Irritability. It is normal for the child to be more irritable on the day of vaccination and cry more. He is uncomfortable and manifests it this way.

How to calm pain after vaccination

If your child has been vaccinated recently and you see that he is more irritable, tearful, with a fever or that the puncture area hurts, do not be distressed and follow these tips:

To relieve pain, place wet wipes at room temperature over the place where the vaccine was given. Pay close attention to your temperature in case you show an allergic reaction , if you see or feel something that is not normal, consult your doctor immediately.

It will be a very difficult day for your little one: consent it a lot, since with love everything heals. Do not self-medicate the toddler and keep in mind all the recommendations of your pediatrician.

If your child has been vaccinated recently and you see that he is more irritable, tearful, with a fever or that the puncture area hurts, do not be distressed and follow these tips:

  1. To calm the pain of the prick, experts recommend breastfeeding if you are still breastfeeding. And it is proven that it is very effective before, during and after vaccine injections. It is a comfortable and effective system that takes advantage of the ingestion of a sweet substance such as milk, with direct contact with the mother and the relief of suction to prevent the baby from passing fear and pain when vaccinating.
  2. Another option they recommend is the ingestion of some sweet liquid. In general, this measure is recommended when you cannot breastfeed. It is advisable to dissolve an envelope of sugar in a glass with a finger or two of water (25% sucrose) and administer approximately 2 ml, little by little, with a syringe or dropper, in the baby's mouth, about 2 minutes before the injection. But remember that this recommendation is only to relieve the pain of vaccines, it should not be used as a usual method at home as it can cause tooth decay or other damage to the child.
  3. It is also recommended to take baby in your arms and calm him, walk it or distract it with games, songs or television.
  4. If baby gets a fever, you can make him bath with warm water to lower its temperature and, if it does not work, use an antipyretic previously prescribed by your doctor.
  5. The swelling of the area can be relieved with compresses of cold water.
  6. Finally, you must continue with his routine and kep his diet same, you do not need to modify anything unless the child is bad and requires it.

How to take care of baby after first vaccination

  1. Appropriate dose.
  2. Give him plenty of fluids.
  3. Apply clean, damp cloth over the area where the injection was applied.

Global statistics show that vaccination saves nearly 3 million lives each year and prevents the disability of more than 750,000 girls and boys as a result of infectious diseases.

When taking the girl or the boy to the vaccination, it is important that mothers and fathers are informed about the care that is required before and after vaccination. In some cases, certain reactions occur, usually during the first night after application, which are perfectly controllable at home.

Signs of allergic reaction

The professional indicates that, although they occur in a minimum percentage, some allergic reactions that already require medical treatment may occur. And the signs that indicate the need to resort immediately to the consultation are: difficulty breathing, hoarseness, inflammation of the throat, weakness, tachycardia, dizziness, paleness or a rash, persistent vomiting and seizures.

Steps after vaccination

The doctor recommends waiting about fifteen minutes before leaving the vaccination, as sometimes a reaction can occur during the first minutes after vaccination. If a serious reaction occurs, doctors will ensure proper treatment.

In addition, it indicates the administration of paracetamol before the application of the vaccine to prevent fever and relieve discomfort, after medical indication about the appropriate dose for the baby, according to his age and weight. "This medicine should be given every 6 hours for 2 days after vaccination," says the doctor.

Another recommendation is to give the girl or the boy plenty of fluids because this helps reduce the fever.

Finally, the pediatrician argues that it helps relieve pain and inflammation by applying a cold compress (clean, damp cloth) in the area where the injection was placed.

About the Author

Blogger, Teacher, Mother and I love to share the tips, quotes whatever interesting I come Through.

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