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Mobile Phone For Baby's Crib, How To Choose The Best

Mobile phones for baby's crib, how to choose the best,In this post, we will tell you what you should know about this toy, and the benefits it has for our baby.
Estimated read time: 4 min
The mobiles for the baby's crib is one of the first toys that a newborn will have. These are ideal for the child to develop their senses, making this task a fun to explore.

Therefore, we need to pay special attention to mobile phones for the baby's crib to choose the right one.
Mobile Phone For Baby's Crib, How To Choose The Best
Mobile Phone For Baby's Crib, How To Choose The Best

In this post, we will tell you what you should know about this toy, and the benefits it has for our baby.

Features of mobile phones for baby's crib

Newborns are born with the innate curiosity to explore the world. In its first months of life the baby will come into contact with different stimuli.

The mobiles for the baby's crib are ideal for them to begin to identify colors and sounds.

In addition, they are ideal for fun and stimulate their curiosity, having several hanging elements of different colors and sound.

It is ideal for baby to gradually develop the senses of the ear, touch and sight.

This happens thanks to the creative tools with which mobile phones are made.

At present there is a wide variety of mobiles for baby cribs in the market.

But you need to identify which ones, with the baby's safety being the main objective, along with the operation of the mobile phone to encourage your baby to want to explore.

However, when choosing a mobile for your baby's crib it is important that you pay attention to these aspects:

  1. The amount of colors. The most striking colors will capture the baby's attention and help him begin to identify the primary colors.
  2. Sound. Ideally, the mobile has at least two or three melodies and the sound can be turned off without the mobile stopping. In this way you can differentiate between the moment of the game and the moment of rest.
  3. Composition. The elements that make up the mobile for the baby's crib should be soft. In the event that the mobile phone falls, it will not hurt your baby.
  4. Pieces. It is important that the pieces are well attached to the rest of the toy, that the strings are not too long, that the pieces are not excessively small and that it does not contain holes in which the baby can put the fingers or hand.

Benefits of the mobile in the baby's crib

The mobiles for the baby's crib are an alternative for our baby's distraction, fun and learning.

However, the ideal is that the mobile does not remain fixed and can be removed from the cradle at any time.

It is important that from a young age we begin to create small patterns differentiating moments of the day.

The attention on the mobile will encourage the baby to coordinate his movements.

Instead, the varied and striking colors will help the baby to register them and retain them in their memory, for later, when he grows up, it will be easier to recognize them.

The melodies that the mobile emits will help your baby to differentiate the time of the game from the time of the dream.

That is why it is important that you have two or more melodies, some more active and others that favor the relaxation of the baby.

On the other hand, the texture and size of the pendants will make your baby's interest more easily activated. 

This will be greater to the contact with the hands and will develop greater skills when trying to take it and when he touches the hanging elements.

  • Entertainment is the great benefit of hanging mobiles in the baby's crib. 
  • They are great hobbies and provide peace of mind to your baby preventing him from crying. 
  • They feel happy with these toys.

However, There will be a time to completely remove this toy. When to do it?

Normally it should be removed after six months or when the baby learns to sit and get up alone in the crib.

The reason is that being closer to the toy, and having more strength, baby can pull it and get hurt with the bar that holds it.

It is a good toy for the baby's first months of life, but it is the parents who must choose which one is the best.

Similarly, if you remove the mobile for the baby's crib you can replace it with a projector of lights and music for the ceiling to put it at bedtime.

About the Author

Blogger, Teacher, Mother and I love to share the tips, quotes whatever interesting I come Through.

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