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Baby's 1st Birthday: 10 Ideas For Ultimate Celebration

In this article we want to tell you different birthday celebration ideas for babies. Even it is 1st birthday. Gifts, guests, venue, food, games, ...
Estimated read time: 4 min
During the last 12 months your baby has grown. Surely you already feel alone and that you also began your complementary feeding.
Baby's 1st Birthday: 10 Ideas For Ultimate Celebration
Baby's 1st Birthday: 10 Ideas For Ultimate Celebration

In addition, he will soon start taking his first steps and probably will say his first words. That is why celebrating its first year of life is so important and thus becomes a very special event for the family.

In this article we want to tell you different birthday celebration ideas for babies. Gifts, guests, venue, food, games, ...

Birthday for babies

Ideally, you organize your baby's first birthday in advance. Surely you have many doubts about who to invite or how to prepare everything.

Do not be overwhelmed, you must also understand that the celebration will be enjoyed as a mother or father more than your baby. Here we give you the keys.

The place

Surely the ideal is that you celebrate the birthday in your own home. So your baby feels in a familiar and safe environment.

If instead, you decide to do it outside your home, make sure you choose a suitable place for small guests.

Avoid spaces that have stairs, swimming pools, or scenarios that compromise the safety of children. You could choose a restaurant with a children's playground, a communal lounge or a theme park for babies.

If you are thinking of decorating the space in which you are going to celebrate your child's birthday, remember to put the decoration out of the reach of your hand.

To avoid scares or to be accidentally damaged.

For example, if a balloon explodes, your baby may be scared or one of the guests.

That is why it is better to place them in high areas so that the little ones do not get hurt or scare.

The guests

As you know, it will be adults who enjoy this celebration the most.

So that your baby does not feel too overwhelmed with strangers, the ideal is that you make a thorough selection of guests.

Relatives and close friends, perhaps with small children or your baby's approximate age.

The smaller the list of guests, the more intimate the celebration will be and they will be able to enjoy it better.

The time

Ideally, hold the celebration when your baby is awake.

If baby usually take a nap in the morning and another in the afternoon, try to have the party at a time when he is normally awake to avoid changes in his daily routine.

If other babies would go to the celebration, ask their parents for their schedules to accommodate the party.

Remember that if a baby begins to cry, the effect is contagious.


Depending on the time of the celebration, choose a practical menu that is easy to serve and consume. Ideally, there is a bit of everything and that it is a mix between healthy and sweet.

You can prepare some sandwiches,  a fruit salad, a ham and cheese board, natural juices or smoothies, cupcakes and some cake, are some ideas.

You can also provide fruit compotes for the little ones.

Games and activities

A very entertaining and fun way is to organize some games to help unite ties between family and friends.

Time will fly by and everyone will have a great time.

Remember that the little ones are easily distracted so the ideal is that they last no more than 10 minutes.

The recommended games for babies between one and two years old are those that involve movement. For example you can organize a crawling race to achieve some goal.

Another could be throwing balls into a basket, or making sets of fittings.

It is important that attendees also get involved, so everyone will have a fun day.

In addition, it is important that if you have pets at home, keep them out of the place where you are going to celebrate the birthday.

And don't forget to have several baby toys on hand in case you feel like using them.

Birthday gifts for babies

Taking the ideal picture of your baby's first birthday is not as difficult as some think. Choose a nice but comfortable clothes at the same time.

Your baby must feel good is the important thing. Use personalized gifts.

Those that are made with love. And so that that special day your baby looks radiant like a true prince and a true princess .

These crowns will have on the one hand the initial of your baby's name and a number from 1 to 5 that you can change during their first 5 years.

On the other hand it will have its name embroidered.

The crown is 100% handmade and you can choose between several colors, according to your tastes and preferences.

Similarly, when babies are one year old they are increasingly attracted to sounds, movement and lights.

In this case an activity center, rattles, or even a correpasillo to strengthen the legs can be an ideal gift for your first year.

  • In short, when organizing birthdays for babies, keep in mind that they will not remember it. 
  • That is why it is better to make an intimate celebration but that is fun and personalized. 
  • The important thing is to enjoy the moment. 
  • Do not forget to take pictures for the memory, surely your baby will appreciate it when he grows up. 

About the Author

Blogger, Teacher, Mother and I love to share the tips, quotes whatever interesting I come Through.

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