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Are 2,500/- Worth For Home Tuition?

Estimated read time: 1 min

Hi, Another student for home tuition and she will pay me 2,500 rupees for home tuition. Her mother convinced me. Did I make the right decision.

First I want to tell you that I take home tuition up to 12th class. I teach all subjects and I am already teaching 2 students. One of them pays me 3,500 and other one 700. Today when I went to a saree shop where I used to go all the time. Than the owner of that shop told me that she is searching for a home tutor for her daughter.

And she told me that if I know someone who can teach to her daughter than please tell me.

Bingo... I thought it is a good opportunity for me and I mentioned myself  and will you believe it she said OK.

Well my new student is in 3rd grade and the main challenge is to teach her the basic knowledge of everything related to her subject.

So we started discussing about her and when all things were set she asked me about how much I will take and I replied 3,500 but she said a big NO for it. And said she can only pay 2,500 for it and no more than that amount. And I do not know why I said yes.

Perhaps the main reason is I was so exited about the new student and forgot about professionalism. And said Yes without even thinking.

What do you think is 2,500 worth for home tuition for a 3rd grade student?

I really do not know that my decision was right or wrong,

Please tell me did I just make the right decision?

Waiting for your comments.
Pratibha Mod

About the Author

Blogger, Teacher, Mother and I love to share the tips, quotes whatever interesting I come Through.

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